Celebrating 25 years at mlplaw - mlplaw

Celebrating 25 years at mlplaw

  • MLP Blogs
  • 13th Feb 2024

We asked our Accounts Manager, Anna Adamson, about her remarkable 25 year career at mlplaw.   What has kept you at mlplaw for 25 years?   I genuinely enjoy working here. The work is interesting and no two days are the same, which when working with figures everyday is important 🙂 . It also has […]

By Zara Green


We asked our Accounts Manager, Anna Adamson, about her remarkable 25 year career at mlplaw.


  • What has kept you at mlplaw for 25 years?


I genuinely enjoy working here. The work is interesting and no two days are the same, which when working with figures everyday is important 🙂 . It also has the best bunch of people and I’ve made lifelong friends along the way. The biggest thing for me though is the value mlplaw puts on the work life balance. I think the flexibility mlplaw allows with the hybrid working is unrivalled and makes being a working mum so much easier.


  • Thinking back to your first day at mlplaw – did you ever think you’d be here for 25 years?


I honestly cant believe its been 25 years I really doesn’t feel that long.  I started out as a 16 year old straight from school with no real idea of what I wanted to do but It became apparent really quickly to me it was place I wanted to stay. Ive done all my training and achieved my ILFM qualifications whilst working.


  • How much has changed since you started at mlplaw?


Its changed a lot in terms of the work we do and the way we work.    I think the biggest change though has been the introduction of home working. Before Covid I think the opportunities to work from home were limited but now we have a really flexible working from home policy where we can choose our own timetable to suit us it makes being a working mum less stressful.


  • What advice would you give to someone starting their career at the company based on your extensive experience?

Find something you enjoy doing and that’s makes you feel motivated


  • Significant moments or accomplishments during your time?

There has been lots I’m proud of but I think surviving the pandemic and finding new ways to do my job and keep the on top of  everything without being in the office is a big one.




About the expert

Stephen Attree

Managing Partner

Stephen is the Owner of MLP Law and leads our Commercial, IP and Dispute Resolution teams which provide advice on all aspects of the law relating to mergers, acquisitions, financing, re-structuring, complex commercial contracts, standard trading terms, share options, shareholder and partnership agreements, commercial dispute resolution, joint venture and partnering arrangements, IT and Technology law, Intellectual Property, EU and competition law, Brexit and GDPR.

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