Corporate and Business Law

With decades of experience in corporate and business law, our expert team provides personalised solutions tailored to your needs. Whether you’re buying, selling, structuring, incentivising, or investing, our dedicated and practical approach ensures comprehensive legal support for your business.
We are uniquely positioned to support your business through any process. Providing clear and concise advice every step of the way.
Our expertise in the following areas
We do a range of generalist and specialised corporate and business law work, including copyright and trademark concerns, writing up contracts, and maintaining compliance with the various national and international laws that regulate business affairs and transactions.
Acquisitions and Disposals (Shares & Assets)
We deal with all aspects of the following:
- Company Sales and Purchases
The sale and/or acquisition of the entire (or any part) of the share capital of a company from its shareholders, whereby you buy the Company and everything in it
- Business and Asset Sales and Purchases
The sale and/or acquisition of the business (as a going concern) and assets of a company, whereby you chose which assets to acquire and which liabilities you will take/leave behind with the selling company
- Management Buy-Outs (MBO) or similar arrangements
A management buyout is where the core management team of a company work together to buy a company, or part of it. The buyout may be funded by bank loans or by private equity finance.
A management buy in is where a new management team is brought in to run the business following the acquisition. Management is given a minority stake in the new company and the private equity fund will hold the controlling interest.
There are other similar arrangements known as a buy-in management buy-out (BIMBO) and a vendor induced management buy-out (VIMBO).
Read more on:
- Management Buyout
- Considerations for an MBO
- The Legal Process for MBO
- Financing an MBO
- How to Sell your Company
- Hit the road Jack… Is it time to sell your company?
- Indemnities in Acquisition Agreements
- Selling a Business? Here are some Tax Considerations to help you decide between Share Sale or Asset Sale
- Successful Mergers and Acquisitions – Integration Strategy
- Guide to Buying a Business
- Warranties and Indemnities in Acquisition Agreements
- Buying or Selling a Business: Shares or Assets?
- To sell or not to sell: Considerations for Business Owners
- Mergers and Acquisitions Lawyer
Share Restructuring and Group Reorganisations
We deal with all aspects of the following:
- Share Restructuring
- Different share classes with different rights
- Share buybacks – To purchase shares from an exiting shareholder
- Capital reductions – To get excess ‘cash’ out of the company
- Company Restructuring
- Putting a new holding company in and transferring key assets (share for share exchange)
- Group Restructures
- Demergers to hive-off non-core divisions/companies
- Mergers to combine with another business
- Wind-up/strike off dormant companies
- Insolvency and Restructuring
- Distress sales
Read more on:
- Don’t be like Logan Roy… deal with your Succession planning!
- Share-based Incentives for Private Companies
- Families in Business and Family Businesses – What Next?
- Exit Options for Business Owners
- Shareholder Dispute
- Should I Stay or Should I Go?
- Debenhams’ Shareholder Strife – Lessons for your business
- Succession Planning for Business Owners Part 1 – Some Exit Options
- Preparing for a Share Sale: Company Health Check
Share Option Schemes
The purpose of share option schemes is to recruit and retain and incentivise staff, as well as rewarding performance and enforcing good/positive behaviours.
We deal with all aspects of the following:
- EMI Schemes (Enterprise Management Incentive)
These are one of the most popular share-based incentive plans and are often the best approach. They are very flexible and very tax efficient. However, they are not available to all companies, due to the qualifying criteria. These are a HMRC plan.
- Other HMRC Share Option Schemes
These include CSOP, SAYE and SIP. These are alternative HMRC plans. They are less flexible than EMI but still provide capital gains opportunities and income tax reliefs.
- Unapproved Share Schemes
If HMRC schemes are not available or not suitable, a company can still look to put in place income-taxed arrangements including non-tax advantaged options, phantom options, etc. These are much more flexible arrangements as a company does not have to meet any qualifying criteria or seek elections/approval from HMRC. They are, by their nature, less tax-advantaged than the HRMC schemes detailed above. Income tax will be charged when an individual makes a gain.
Read more on:
- EMI Schemes and how the 2023 Spring Budget can help your Small – Medium Business
- How to Attract and Retain Employees
We will deal with:
• EIS (Enterprise Investment Schemes) and SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes)
Advising on these government backed investment schemes into small or medium sized companies (SMEs) including the investment criteria and terms
• Investments from banks, private equity or venture capital funding, high net worth individuals or business angels
Advising on investment options, the terms of investments, the legal implications and terms of security documents
Banking and Finance
Whether acting for borrowers or lenders, we can deal with all aspects of the following:
- Loan Agreements
Advising upon suitable options for raising funds, whether through an overdraft, loan agreement, other finance facility or refinancing existing debt. Drafting, reviewing, advising upon and negotiating terms of relevant loan/facility agreements.
- Security Documents
Advising lenders on suitable security to mitigate their risk of lending and drafting relevant security documents.
Advising borrowers on the security they have to give over the company’s assets to secure their borrowing, whether mortgage deed, legal charge, debenture or other types of security, including personal guarantees from directors/shareholders.
- Intercreditor/Subordination Documents
Dealing with existing security and drafting/negotiating deeds of subordination/intercreditor agreements.
Corporate Governance
We deal with and advise on all aspects of the following:
- Holding BMs
A board meeting is an official meeting of a company’s directors. Certain company decisions need to be approved via a resolution of the directors at a board meeting. More broadly, they can be a useful forum to identify and discuss issues and plan for the future.
- Shareholders Meetings
If a company decision is particularly important, its articles of association (or indeed UK statute) may state that approval by the company’s shareholders is required via a resolution of the shareholders at a meeting. Shareholders meetings may have specific rules governing them to ensure decisions are made fairly.
- AGMs
On top of shareholders meetings called in connection to specific issues that require shareholder approval, unless a company’s articles of association state otherwise, a company’s shareholders (and usually its directors) must meet annually to discuss general business matters and address any resolutions that must be made annually.
- Passing Resolutions
There are several ways in which directors and shareholders can pass resolutions. Most notably, these can be in person or in writing. Each method carries its own restrictions and requirements. Which method is preferable will depend on the context of both the company and the decision to be made.
LLPs and Partnerships
We deal with and advice on all aspects of the following:
- Partnership Agreements
A Partnership is created where a relationship exists between two or more people carrying on a business in common with a view to profit from such business. Having a Partnership Agreement in place is important to set out a clear undertaking of each members contractual obligations and provide the framework for the day to day running of the business and would usually specify the profit share and decision making of the business.
- Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
An LLP is a kind of hybrid company adopting characteristics from a Partnership and from a Limited Company. An LLP must be incorporated at Companies House with members / partners and will have a set of Articles. Having an LLP Agreement in place sets out a clear undertaking of each members contractual obligations and provide the framework for the day to day running of the business and would usually specify the profit share (otherwise profit is deemed to be shared equally) and decisions by the directors’ and members.
Share Structures
We deal with and provide advice on the legal aspects of the following:
- Altering share capital
Additional shares can be issued to existing or prospective shareholders to help raise additional finance for the company or to incentivise the shareholder. Such issues need to be done in accordance with a company’s individual rules and regulations.
- Issuing different classes of classes
Companies can have different types (or ‘classes’) of share that have different rights attaching to them e.g. voting at general meetings, entitlement to a dividend etc.
The company’s articles of association may need updating to accommodate different classes.
- Altering rights attached to shares
A company may wish to change its existing issued shares’ rights e.g. to add/remove voting rights or entitlement to a dividend for certain classes of shares
Shareholder Arrangements
We deal with all aspects of the following:
- Articles of Association
Articles of Association (Articles) is a public document and are effectively the rules of the company. When someone buys shares in a company and becomes a shareholder, they are automatically bound by the Articles of the company.
- Shareholders Agreements
These agreements are private agreements between those involved and contain additional obligations between the shareholders themselves and are supplemental to the Articles. They are for the benefit of the shareholders and set out the rights, responsibilities, obligations and liabilities of each shareholder.
- Cross Option Agreements
These agreements grant each shareholder an option that in the event of their death, the surviving shareholder(s) have a right to buy the deceased’s shares and enables the deceased’s family to compel the surviving shareholder(s) to buy the deceased’s shares. Such an option is usually backed by an appropriate life assurance policy taken out by each shareholder to ensure there are funds available to cover the purchase of shares.
- Call and Put Option Agreements
A Call Option Agreement is an agreement where a company or a shareholder grants the right (but not an obligation) to buy shares in the company. A company may grant the call option for the issue of new shares or shareholder for transferring existing shares.
A Put Option Agreement usually works alongside a Call Option and is an agreement that grants a right (but not an obligation) for a shareholder to sell shares to a purchaser.
Read more on:
- Articles of Association and Shareholders’ Agreements: What are they and do I need them?
- Insights from “The Traitors”
- All the sole directors – now put your hands up!
- Overview of a Corporate Transaction (Sale or Purchase of Shares)
- The importance of updating Shareholders’ Agreements
- Cross Option Agreements
- Shareholders Agreements and Articles of Association: Does my company need them?
Employee Benefit Trusts and Employee Ownership Trusts
As corporate lawyers, we deal with all aspects of the following:
- Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT)
They encourage the creation of employee owned companies as an alternative to a trade sale. A trust company will be established, acquiring a controlling interest in the company. Tax reliefs available but fairly strict rules and criteria.
- Employee Benefit Trusts (EBT)
These are similar to an EOT but a discretionary trust is created under which assets are held for the benefit of employees as beneficiaries. There are some tax benefits and the EBT is less restrictive than the EOT
Read more on:
- Case Study: Helping Edge Public Solutions Transition to Employee Ownership Trust
- Case Study: NTAS Restructures by Empowering Employees Through EOT
- Case Study: mlplaw closes ‘John Lewis’ style NHS deal
- Employee Ownership Trust – Is it an option for you and your business?
- Employee Ownership Trusts
- Share Incentives: A Brief Overview of Employee Benefit Trusts and Employee Ownership Trusts
- Employee Ownership
- Employee Ownership Guide
Joint Ventures
Joint Ventures are business arrangements in which two or more parties agree to work together on a shared business project in order to accomplish a specific task or tasks.
We will deal with all aspects of:
- Joint Venture Agreements
Advising on the key terms of the agreement, drafting and negotiating the agreement, advising on the provisions and conditions of a drafted agreement and amending or varying the agreement.
Company Incorporation
As corporate lawyers, we deal with and provide advice on the legal aspects of the following:
- Incorporating companies
The set-up of a new company at Companies House to your specifications. This includes appointing directors, scheduling the accounting year and confirming the initial share capital. Where needed, we can draft bespoke articles of association to create specific rules for your company or different classes of share with different rights attaching to them.
- Issuing and transferring initial shares
When setting up a company, decisions need to be made regarding its ownership, the proportion of the total share capital to be held by each shareholder, and the types (or ‘classes’) of share each individual or company will hold.
Directors Duties
We provide advice on all aspects of the following:
- Directors Duties
The directors of a company are generally responsible for its management, but their powers are constrained by both the company’s articles of association and statutory duties. They are personally subject to these duties and may be liable to penalties should they fail to carry these out.
- Trustee Directors Duties
In situations where a Trustee of a Trust is a company, the director(s) of that company have both obligations and duties to their company and the Trust and may wish to distinguish between the two and understand how they interplay.
Read more on:
Business Start Up
Advising start-up businesses (together with colleagues in Employment, Property, Commercial and IP) with all aspects to be considered in a new business. In the Corporate Lawyers Team, we will advise on:
- Business Structures
Advising on which is the best business structure for you, whether it be a sole trader, a partnership, an LLP or a limited company and setting up this structure
- Initial agreements
Dependant upon the type of business structure you choose, it’s likely that either Shareholders’ Agreement, Articles of Association or Partnership Agreements are required.
We will then refer you to our colleagues to deal with matters such as Commercial Contracts (ie. Terms and Conditions, Confidentiality Agreements, Consultancy Agreements, Distribution/Agency Agreements, Franchise Agreements, etc.; colleagues in Property to look at premises required for the business; colleagues in IP to look at protecting a brand and colleagues in Employment to assist with all advice in relation to employees.
Read more on:
Why choose mlplaw team
1. Unparalleled Expertise and Experience
We’re a team of Legal-500 recommended experts who are truly passionate about commercial law. We’ve got a wealth of experience under our belts, and we use it to get the best possible results for you and your business. We give straightforward, commercially focused advice.
2. Tailoring Our Solutions to Your business
We know that every business is different, with its own unique set of challenges. We take the time to get to know your business and create a plan that fits your specific needs. Ensuring that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the steps and processes required to move forward.
3. Open Communication
We believe in keeping things simple and jargon-free. We’ll explain everything in plain English, so you’re always in the loop. We’re completely transparent about what we do, and we’ll give you a clear plan and fixed fees upfront, so there are no hidden surprises.
4. Collaborative Work
A collaborative approach is the first step in any efficient working relationship. We’ll take the time to understand you and your business, work closely with you, and collaborate with our expert teams across different areas – like Employment, Commercial, Property, and Disputes – to get the results you need.
Very efficient and responsive in engaging clients, keeping them up to date on the progress of matters, and responding to queries.
Legal 500
Rachel Owen is extremely personable and easy to contact. She breaks down technical, legal jargon into plain English! She is very empathetic to client issues.
Legal 500
“I am hugely grateful for everything you guys have done to lead us through this. We couldn’t do what we do without the support of partners like MLP and truly value our relationship with you. We wouldn’t want to go anywhere else.”
Travelogix Ventures
“Stephen and everyone at mlp have looked after myself, my family and my business now for well over a decade and we could not imagine dealing with anyone else for our legal advice. He has helped us grow our company from a small £2m turnover business to over £33m including countless property deals, Employment contracts, HR issues, all our commercial dealings and the acquisition of 17 stores and for all this we will be forever grateful. Plus, with us both being City fans, we have had a great 10 years of football to talk about before and after our business meetings. Tracy and I would just like to say thank you for all the help, advice and most importantly friendship.”
Simon Vardy, Sim Trava
“When we decided that we would convert our business to an EOT model, we were unsure of what to expect or what would be involved in the process. Having worked with mlplaw over a number of years, we reached out to Stephen and his team. They were exceptional at making things very easy and very clear for us to understand and talking us through the whole process. We were involved at every step and mlplaw helped us in navigating what is a truly unique transaction. The implementation of the EOT structure means that Edge Public Solutions can now continue to grow well into the future, strengthen the long-term ethos of the company and provide our dedicated employees with a voice and control over the future direction of the company.”
Jim Aspin, Edge Public Solutions
“A really great multidisciplinary team able to handle my firm needs, I have dealt with many solicitors in over fifty acquisitions and MLP stand out as pragmatic and proportional with sound, hand-on advice.”
Legal 500
“Stephen is great at simplifying situations and explaining legal processes in basic terms so that you are able to understand and make the right decisions for your business. He is responsive and supportive as well as extremely knowledgeable. We have used Stephen on two occasions and were delighted with his expertise and service given. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending him to anyone needing commercial, legal support for their business.”
LD, Review Solicitors
“Stephen and his team of experts at MLP have been advising us since 2014 on areas ranging from commercial transactions and the legal due diligence around them to employment law, commercial disputes, and property. Always prompt to respond, I’ve found the help and advice I’ve received over the years is accurate, with the balance of risks clearly explained, but always accompanied with recommendations that are in a commercial context. Added to this, the personal and cheerful touch that is always present in their service makes them a delight to work with. I’d highly recommend them!”
MG, Review Solicitors